Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Looney Buns: Scary Mary

tears of the unshaven spy
from room 4909
turn into thrills

from the untested traps of the unsaid desires
oh, ain't that scary
you have made them appear

with the tone of your voice
ain't that cliché
then you've wiped them away

with a smile of your choice
oh, Scary Mary
I've been losing this game

like a fat dinosaur

gruff, coal black mustache señor

from room 4904
he makes you laugh

with the unsmiling clown at the bear hug vampire
oh, ain't that funny
you could scare them away

with a slap of your choice
ain't that
we've been fooling again
with the batch of our joys
oh, Scary Mary
I would do it again

for just one slap of yours

sneer from the sad prostitute

from room 4902
makes me feel weird

'bout the unspoken names of her happy empire
oh, ain't that scary
I could talk you around

with a word of her choice
ain't that
I've been playing again
with the batch of her toys
and I'm afraid
I could throw them away

for just one smile of yours
oh, Scary Mary

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